Semirecycling Co., Inc. processes collection from the client’s facilities, transportation, segregation & classification, crushing & dismantling, filtering, refining, treatment according to the environmental standards and legislations.
Accredited Treatment, Storage and Disposal (TSD) Facility for the following hazardous materials:
Wastes with Cyanide (A101)
Lead and its compound (D406)
Wastes with Inorganic Chemical (D499)
Solvent Based waste (F601)
Other Mixed Wastes (F699)
Miscellaneous Wastes (M502)
Wastes Electrical and Electronic Equipment (M506)
Accredited Transporter for the following hazardous materials:
Wastes with cyanide (A101)
Acid Wastes (B201-B299)
Alkali Wastes (C301-C399)
Wastes with Inorganic Chemical (D401-D499)
Reactive Chemicals (E501-E502)
Ink/Dyes/Pigments/Paint/Latex/Adhesives/Organic Sludge (F601-F699)
Waste Organic solvents (G703-G704)
Waste Oil/Bunker Sludge (I101-I104)
Contaminated containers (J201)
Miscellaneous Wastes (M501, M502, M506)